
Saturday, August 8, 2015

Homeschool Room Tour 2015

After much thought and prayer as we approached our oldest starting Kindergarten this fall, we felt led to homeschool. The process to plan out our year, choose and purchase curriculum and set up a "school room" has been an amazing process. 

After years of helping my mom in her classroom as a public school teacher, I decided I did not desire to become a teacher after seeing all of the work it requires. Funny how God brings that around to put the desire in my heart to teach my children. This process is truly a calling and one we plan to consider each year that passes. 

I thought it might be fun to do a "room tour" to look back on and to inspire others with ideas if you are like me, a first time homeschool mom trying to figure out what works best for your family! 

To give you a bit of background, I will be "formally" homeschooling my Kindergartener and informally teaching my Preschoolers throughout the school year. I have a 6, 4, 3 and almost 8 month old, so the set up of my room is to hopefully accommodate all of them and keep everyone engaged and participating.

Sunday, November 16, 2014

What's in my Postpartum/Breastfeeding Bag?

I have to admit, this is my fourth time planning a homebirth and the first time I've truly put this much thought into the days and weeks that follow the birth. Whether it's my experiences over the years or just the sake of convenience while also caring for three other little ones ages five and under, this bag is definitely needed and something I would recommend every expecting mama to think about. 

So, here it goes! Here is what I use, find helpful and need while feeding and caring for a newborn and also taking care of my own needs.

(The great thing about this bag is how easy it is to carry around the house wherever it's needed!)

The bag: Thirty One's "Keep-It Caddy"
Diapers and Wipes
Coconut/Essential Oil mix
Burp Clothes
Extra Sleeper/Onesies/Hat
Reusable and Disposable Nursing Pads 
Small Wetbag (For used Nursing Pads that need washed)
Snacks for mama
A pen
Small container of Goldenseal Root Powder (used for umbilical healing)
Gentle Baby Essential Oil
Thieves/Lemon Essential Oil Homemade Antibacterial Spray
Swaddle Blanket

Other items not included in this bag but will always be nearby:
Water for mama
Warm Blanket for baby
Supplements/Tea/Vitamins/Essential Oils
Belly Binder 
"Postpartum Basket" in bathroom with everything needed while healing from the birth. 

 Quick pick me ups in between meals to help prevent sugar crashes. These are a MUST for me while breastfeeding. (I've also been told dark chocolate can help ease pain, so of course it's included.)

 We are a cloth diapering family, but I find it helpful for the first week or two postpartum to have disposable diapers on hand for baby. I've typically switched to cloth once the umbilical cord has fallen off and healed.  

 Coconut oil mixed with Lavender and Gentle Baby Essential Oils can be used as a lotion, healing aid, diaper cream, etc. It is also very soothing for mama and baby. 

 How is it all packed into the bag?

I've concealed mamas snacks in a little zippered pouch for the sake of sneaky little toddler fingers. (Don't worry, they get their own granola bars!)

I hope you found this helpful as you plan and think about life with a baby!

I'm ALWAYS trying to think of and plan for easier and more convenient ways to be mama. I'd love to hear your must haves through your birth and postpartum days! Is there something I'm missing that you think is essential?? Let me know!

I also have a couple of other "Planning for Baby" posts coming soon!

Monday, November 4, 2013

Mommy, don't cry.

(This is an account of our loss, from the perspective of my wonderful and supportive husband.) 

As I came downstairs after laying my youngest son, Aldan, down for the night, I walked in to the kitchen to find my wife, Ashley, standing with her head stooped into her hands. Subtle quivers in her arms and chest along with a gentle nodding of her head gave away the truth that her hands were trying to hide as she cried silently alone.  I didn’t ask, because I knew what was wrong.  As I placed my hands of comfort on the sides of her shoulders, her pain at last became audible.  She gasped for a breath and said, “I didn’t think it would be this hard”.

I knew the grief she felt, but she felt it more intensely.  We had just confirmed that morning what we had feared for several days: the life she was growing in her body was no longer.  No longer life.  No longer growing.  When you’re expecting a child, a dark, seldom-accessed compartment of your mind is always prepared for that.  When you begin to think of the possibilities of the future – birth, names, paint colors, crying, giggles, diapers, smiles, crawling, walking, love – that compartment sneaks up and says, “Don’t get too attached -- not just yet”.  But the heart never gets the memo.

“I didn’t think it would be this hard” she said.  When I had been upstairs with Aldan, Ashley had been on the couch with Rhine, 4, and Harper, almost 3.  They were old enough to know about the baby in mommy’s belly and would frequently talk about it or mention the new baby in their nighttime prayers, but they didn’t yet know what we knew.  My son placed his hands on mommy’s belly and gave it a kiss.  The New Baby In Mommy’s Belly was the best name his young mind had come up with, and that’s what he called out as he rested his head gently on his youngest sibling-to-be.  That’s when Ashley broke down.  In an effort to shield her toddlers from the pain or, perhaps, to hide her own, she left the room in tears to where we would meet in the kitchen.

As parents, we had talked, but not come to a conclusion about how or when we would tell them.  So, as that time was thrust upon us, we had to wing it.  I grabbed my wife by the hand and brought her back to the couch where my toddlers sat, confused about what just happened.  I sat between my children and as I spoke, my son could only focus on his mommy who sat across from us in tears.

“Do you remember the baby in mommy’s belly”?  I asked.

Rhine shook his head slowly, staring at his mother, “Don’t cry, mommy”.

His eyes began to swell red and wet, “Mommy, don’t cry”, he begged. 

Climbing across my legs, which rested on Ashley’s seat, he reached for mommy and consoled her with the kind of hug that only a child can give.  He cared more for his grieving mother than he cared about what I was saying, but he understood.  He grieved too.  Mommy still cried. 

The next couple days were very hard.  As Ashley’s body labored to expel our broken dreams, Rhine’s little mind perceived far more than I had anticipated.  His concern for his mommy mounted and peaked exactly parallel with her physical distress.  My wife needed attention and so did my son, but with them both in the same house, I could give my attention to neither.  I sent the children to Grammy and Pappy’s house for the night and for the entirety of the trip Rhine cried, “Mommy not sick, mommy not sick”. 

By the time I got back to the house, the worst had already passed.  The pain was less severe and less frequent.  The labor had ended.  Her body harvested what had been sown, but yielded no fruit except perhaps some sense of closure.  The damage had been done; now we could begin to heal.

As a father, I felt bad abandoning my son in his time of need, but trusted his grandparents to pick-up on my slack.  As it turns out, that was probably the best we could have hoped for from the situation at hand.  Rhine didn’t know yet how to cope with the pain we were feeling and a distraction and good night’s sleep were what his little heart needed.  Ashley and I spent the night together in prayer and rest as we tried to soak-in the Lord’s peace. 

When morning came the next day we greeted our children with extra big hugs.  Healing will come in time.  Until then, we have a house full of love, joy and blessings to be thankful for every day.

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Finding joy through loss.

Today, I have felt an overwhelming peace. I have felt a comfort I didn't feel while first dealing with the possibility of this loss. There are times, and will probably always be times I will wonder what this baby would have been like, what this pregnancy would have become, what joy this birth would have brought to our home. I miss this baby, this pregnancy. I miss everything about it. I planned to share this journey with so many other women and I loved that. It is hard to think about when I would have been due. It's hard to think that day will come. It's hard to think that I will witness so many other mamas due with their babies around the same time I would have been. I am so incredibly happy for them, but it is so hard to think about. 

I feel fine until I hit an emotional realization wall, and break down. I feel fine until I have cramps and pain from no longer carrying my baby. If anything has surprised me the most, it is the physical pain I feel. I don't think I ever give myself enough credit or time to heal. I stay busy, stay distracted. I cope. I still feel joy even if I don't feel happy. I can find joy in this. There will be many years of unanswered questions until I meet my baby in heaven. BUT, I can live with joy knowing my baby is in heaven. 

For now, I grieve. I live. I learn how to carry this with me. If we are here for anything, it is to be a testament to Jesus. What precious price He paid for us. A son, He died, for me. He died so that we can live again. What a selfless, precious price. 

When your life feels hard, when you face struggles and trials, be grateful anyway. When you don't feel blessed, when you don't see the blessing, be aware anyway, you are being blessed. When you take the moments and people in your life for granted, even if you don't mean to, be thankful for the gift they are, they may not always be there. When you do face reflection, open up your heart to what The Lord may be teaching you, you will grow and you will find His purpose. You will find rest for your soul.

"Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light." Matthew 11:28-30

Saturday, November 2, 2013

His love never fails.

This week I am resting in this truth. He knows me, He knows the plans He has for me. There are times in my life I may never understand what those plans mean. But I will trust in Him. He has plans to prosper me, never to harm me. I have hope, a future. 

What should have been a pregnancy update, is now a testament to His plans in my life. This has been a very rough week, emotionally. After several days of off and on bleeding, it was confirmed during an ultrasound on Friday what we feared. We lost our baby. Our precious little life was no longer thriving.

Baby Woodling is dancing the streets of Heaven and I CAN find joy in that, no matter what I feel.

There are moments I feel incredible peace and moments I break down and cry, questioning why? If there's any true test of faith, it's losing a child. Whether before or after birth, no one ever expects to lose this precious little life. 

For now, I pray for healing. Healing for my soul, my heart. Healing for my body. Healing for my kids' hearts with what they understand. If I'm saddest for anyone, it's them. 

I can be thankful for support and love from friends and family, for my amazing husband who is always by my side. I'm incredibly thankful for the promise The Lord has for us. Death has lost it's sting. I will rest in His promise. 

I hope you can rest in that promise too.

Saturday, October 26, 2013

Pregnancy: Week 11

11 weeks. I was just thinking about you last week and now you're here. 

So thankful for yet another week of pregnancy. At night, when the "big" kids are in bed, I have a moment to sit and think about and love this little baby. I really think it's a girl. I've had it in my head for a while that I would have boy, girl, boy, girl. Either way, I can't wait to meet you. You are precious and you are perfect. 

If you didn't know already, we have never known what we were having before meeting our babies earth side. In fact with our last two, we never even got an ultrasound. Talk about patience and faith. I honestly wouldn't have it any other way. Unless something is a call for concern, we are planning to skip it again this time around. So excited for this precious surprise. 

Every day I thank the Lord for the energy and strength He's given me to do all I do in a day, because it is a lot. At the end of the day, I am wiped out. However, I am so thankful for how great I DO feel while pregnant, especially the first trimester. I do not have morning sickness, I never have. That is a huge blessing, especially while caring for other little lives. 

Our family goes to an amazing Chiropractor once a week, which is great, especially while growing a baby. I typically deal with headaches in first trimester, yet this time around they are very rare. Coincidence? I think not. If you haven't seen a Chiropractor yet, see one (and stick with it)! You will thank me later. 

You are loved little one. Here's to another week spent with you!

Saturday, October 19, 2013

Pregnancy: Week 10

What can I say about week 10 other than LOOK AT THAT BELLY! Apparently after baby #3, my body has no desire to hold anything in. I can not believe I am in double digits already. Since finding out, time has been flying! Hold on little one, you are in for a ride. 

Along with my busy three children, I started babysitting a sweet little 4 month old this week. Before finding out I was pregnant we had this all lined up. I know if I would have been pregnant at the time, I would not have taken the job. But you know what? God knows I can handle more than I think I can. On top of first trimester lack of energy, this week was EXHAUSTING, to say the least. But, with that comes an abundance of blessings for everyone involved. I am so thankful for that. 

I have yet to schedule our first prenatal appointment with our Midwife, but I am in no hurry. We already know and love her, I'm feeling great and really trust in God's hand in this pregnancy. So for now, I am enjoying every day I get with this precious little life. 


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